Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Ireland with the Flatbellys!

Well, Josh, Lindsay, PJ, and myself made the 7 hour flight from Washington DC to London in one piece last week, but, unfortunately, without some of our instruments and merchandise that were gate checked! It's the age old story of the airline companies discrimination toward musicians. And it's exacerbated in knowing that it cost us nearly $2,500 in CD sales at the HebCelt fest in Hebridean because we didn't have our CDs or merchandise! Folks - if you're a musician, I'd suggest never traveling with Virgin Atlantic. And a handful of other companies...but I digress.

Every other element of the tour has been fantastic!  Our driver Gerry, one of the sauciest yet charming Scotsmen I've ever met, has been keeping it between the lines as we drive across the beautiful interstates throughout the United Kingdom. His taste in music is highly sophisticated and his knowledge of the scene throughout the 70's to today is just fascinating. We just completed JJ Cale's album "Naturally" and we're on to some Harry Nillson now! I'm also reading Steve Jobs' biography which I'm finding absolutely invigorating! (you gotta' keep busy with these 3-5 hour drives over here, right?!) 

Our weeklong stint in Scotland has come to a close and we are off to England for the next week and change. I am infatuated with the accents of the people equally as much as I am blown away by the rolling hills and gorgeous scenery! I couldn't be more grateful to be here, now. Where does your gratitude lie in this moment? Comment away!