The Michigan Fall Color Tour Rolls along...

The past month and a half has brought Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys to some of our favorite places we know to be: The Ark, Strawberry Music Festival, Wheatland Music Festival, Harvest Gathering, Carolina in the Pines, Albino Skunk Festival, International Bluegrass Music Association conference, and so many friends and family members houses along the way! We even fit in some time to release this cool video of our song, "Everything Changed" that our friends with Big Foot Media created!

As we begin the Michigan Fall Color Tour, we’re also gearing up to take a couple solid months off of the road to focus inwards on other musical and creative energies. Ever since I became a Flatbelly late 2007, we have pretty much taken the road warrior approach to performing   **being on the road touring for 150-200+ shows taking whatever you could get whilst shooting for the stars**   It seems like every band applies this strategy the moment you decide to become a working class musician playing full-time for a living. But we’ve come to a point where we are deciding to take more time to diversify our energies and have more time off the road. 

the Sweet Water Warblers

the Sweet Water Warblers

We all have similar desires for our upcoming time: practice, write, have a relatively personal life, etc. I am planning to work on a back log of musical ideas in various shapes and forms and flesh them out into demo form to determine what sort of musical project it could lend itself toward. The Mark Lavengood Bluegrass Bonanza! will be playing regionally throughout Michigan (see the dates here) and have plans to record an EP in Grand Rapids late November! On top of gigging, making demos, and practicing, I’ll also be working on finding a nest somewhere in Grand Rapids…and spending time with my family. And probably a whole slew of other fun things that will surely spontaneously combust in front or behind of my periphery! 

photo by Myrna Jacobs

photo by Myrna Jacobs

The lovely Lindsay Lou will be touring Michigan with the magnificent May Erlewine Bernard and that rapscallion Rachael Davis; together, with their powers combined, they form the highly-anticipated Sweet Water Warblers! They first appeared at Michigan’s favorite family friendly jam-rock festival, Hoxeyville, in 2014. There are rumors of a potential recording session at some point, but for the meanwhile, you can check their upcoming tour schedule out at here. Josh and Lindsay will also be doing some holiday shows in Michigan with Max Lockwood and John Driscoll as Time & Luck. Check their tour dates here. We're all really happy for Max who just won the critics choice for the music portion of this year's ArtPrize celebration with his tune that we all recorded together called, "Burning It Down".

Josh has been pursuing other musical opportunities outside of gigging and has been creating music for our friend Jason Whalen’s (of Big Foot Media) nature conservancy videos. He's also be giving online skype lessons and local lessons out of his home in Nashville. He and PJ are also planning on finding some sideman work in Nashville as well. We will all be recording music for the band and bouncing ideas back and forth to prepare for a music retreat we are planning for sometime mid-January!

If you have a chance to see us this week, we’re playing in Ferndale on Thursday at the Loving Touch; Friday in Three Rivers at the Riviera Theatre (both of these with our friends, the Crane Wives); Saturday at the Christy Farm Nature Preserve in Fremont, Ohio. Our show at the Salt of the Earth in Fennville, MI is sold out, but I believe there may be spots available for dinner reservations. Tonight, and tonight only, we’ll be performing our album, “Ionia” live in it’s entirety on concert window at 8 pm Central Standard Time! Visit this link to view in:

For all Lindsay Lou & the Flatbellys shows, visit our website:

Thanks for tuning in friends! See ya’ tonight at