An exciting new development in Radio Free Oklawaha County is The “Redbug Road Record Revue” where from time to time, we will provide you with a link to music that we find interesting and that may be a good fit for an upcoming festival or concert. Also occasionally, we may provide a review of a record from an up and coming artist.
For the first outing of Redbug Road Record Revue, I review “We Come Along” from Mark Lavengood's Bluegrass Bonanza. Lavengood can be heard as part of Lindsay Lou and the Flatbelly’s while touring all over the US and overseas but this new record release was timed perfectly for summer as it takes you right away into that feeling you get with the windows rolled down on a summer drive to a music festival, or possibly, eating a homegrown tomato.
In each of the several times I have sat and listened, I was pleased and occasionally surprised by the creativity and originality of the arrangements of the covers and original tunes alike. "We’ve Come Along" showcases Lavengood’s decidedly modern dobro playing without sacrificing the top-notch band on the recording…and the band interplay is striking in it’s groove and momentum. "Ol’ Slewfoot" drives as it should but keeps a John Hartford'esque lilt throughout which helps to deliver the tune mightily. "Three Day Blow" brings to mind early Pink Floyd and Sam Bush- you'll have to take my word for it until you hear it for yourself. Mark and the band's treatment of Springsteen’s "Hungry Heart" is energetic and personal. Lavengood’s solo dobro pieces are great showcases and perfectly placed on the album.
I feel it’s important to point out here that these references to other artists shouldn't distract from the fact that there is a level of originality inherent in "We’ve Come Along" that is noteworthy. Mark Lavengood’s Bluegrass Bonanza has performed with ease -the difficult job of creating a new and original sound- while moving the bluegrass idiom forward in repertoire and delivery.
Don’t take my word for it. keep your eye out for We’ve Come Along from Mark Lavengood. Find out more at
- Michael Lagasse of Radio Free Oklawaha County, Saint Augustine, FL.