From the cradle of the state. From the bowl of the heart. A brilliant fire erupts. A clack and hum. A warming spark. A fire passed on, on the tongue. Kindling made of string and octave, kindling made of rhythm and smoke. And now the fire is in your very hands, imagine! What you will hear in these tracks is the mark of persistence in difficult times, the proof of joy on a changing wind. Carried out of the woods, carried on the mouths of many, these are the songs we know in our bones, the songs we know in our bodies. These are the songs we will give to our children, and so also the hope, a seedling. Mark Lavengood has brought together something special: an album with punch and heart and precision to spare. And this band burns with a powerful energy, like a chugging, bluegrass machine. So friends, get ready! Take your place on the dance floor. Open up your songbook again. Embrace this album, dear listener. Let the warmth and generosity of spirit that moves through these tracks open up your own line of singing. It’s a big old world out there, but here we are together and the band’s about to start another song. We’ve come a long way now. We’ve Come Along.
Written by Russell Brakefield, author of Field Recordings.
Check out the "We've Come Along" Kickstarter campaign at!